How Do Psychic Mediums Work? See A Day In The Life Of A Real One!

How Do Psychic Mediums Work? In her interview Medium Valerie Gayle answered this FAQ by providing an authentic overview of a typical day, with all her vocational trials and tribulations included.

Medium Valerie Gayle is the verified author of this guest post.

I wake up, do my meditations and always try to connect to the source. I know when that connection occurs, because I feel a click, that intuitive feeling that yes, my guides are here.

Diary of an Authentic Psychic MediumA Day In The Diary Of An Authentic Psychic Medium

How Do Psychic Mediums Work With Free Readings?

Then I proceed to do a my morning Blog Talk Radio program. I look to see if there are any callers and try get to as many people as possible. There are the regulars who are always waiting for a free reading, and then the new callers, which help me brush up on my skills. 

There is a man who gives me his first name, I do my tuning in, like always, then tell him what comes to mind. A vision, I see of a chicken, but my feeling is not a real chicken, it’s like a toy, then before he says another word I say did your cat or dog cross over? He says my cat did, and then says, the toy chicken was his favourite pet. I'm like, alright, passed that test. Then if that's not enough, I start getting a name of the cat, I know names are proof my spiritual guides are helping me, because there are about a trillion names on this universe. So I then get a flash in my head, Missy, I say. I get a name like Missy. The caller, well my cats name was Mitsy. Ahh, ok well, I guess that's pretty close. 

The next day, I'm doing another radio show, this time I'm doing shaman healings, and I ask the caller for their first name like always. Ok, now I am new at this I say, then get a sudden vision of this lady, her foot is swollen, there's a pain running up that foot, and even get the right foot. Even I am stunned, but not only do I pick up on her issues exactly right, I get the next caller issues right and even send her healing energy which gets rid of the pain right there. 

Even surprise myself sometimes and just have to give a thanks to my guides for their help that day. 

How Do Psychic Mediums Work With Paying Clients?

Later that evening, I start taking calls through my paid service call button and feel confident to do so. I have a caller, she is a skeptic who doesn't quite believe in psychics, so I set out to give her some amazing insight. I only need a first name, and then I move on into the reading. Well, at first I'm not feeling anything about her, really feel my abilities left me for a sec. Whatever I say, she is not confirming or disproving either. So, am I off? Not sure, I keep going with my intuition as best as possible. Then I trust my gut and say, you know, I feel I'm being led to do a Medium reading, is that alright? She's like, well that's what I'm looking for, in part. So, I go with a vision, I see a man, who crossed. She says there are three. I then say, ok. Then I see a strong vision, comes through with a man saying, Julie!! She says what? I said Julie. She says, that was his girlfriend. Oh my Gosh! Then I give her more messages he is sending to her. I see, a L, ok, then I say Leon. Still I'm not sure of this name, but I had to go with it. The caller says, that’s my ex-husband. How would you know that? I'm not sure, I tell her, it just comes to me. We say bye and I think, what a great caller! 

Then I do a chat and a girl asks, what time and what place will I meet my ex-boyfriend and what does my boyfriend look like. What, am I, a genie? Ok, well I tell her what her boyfriend looks like, the place they will meet, what he will say when they meet etc. Then she says, you mean he is not going to want to get back with me when we meet. I'm like, well he will want to stay friends and she hangs up on me. 

This is a daily life of a working psychic medium, I know, I have to accept that everyone won't be happy, and tell myself this. But still somehow, I never feel my readings will satisfy everyone, because, it's not what they wanted to hear. The hard thing is, while I feel I've reached a high level of psychic ability, until psychics are appreciated completely, I will always deal with these issues.

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Guest Post by Medium Valerie Gayle

Guest Post by Medium Valerie Gayle

Valerie is a working psychic medium, spiritual healer, and seer, specializing in spiritual readings, clairvoyant visions, dreams, life path, purpose and prophecies. She has previously featured on Blog Talk Radio.

Website:  (Awaiting update for contact details)

Comments About The FAQ "How Do Psychic Mediums Work?"

Amazing post with terrific insight - by: Alex 

I like the fact that you talk us through a day and it actually reveals just how hard you work as an authentic psychic medium. It is comments and blogs like this that should get more press rather than the all too negative skeptics reviews. You are a credit to yourself and to psychics everywhere, well done. Best wishes, Alex 

Sophia Williams (Atlanta G.A)

Wonderful Medium Valerie Gayle - by Sophia Williams (Atlanta G.A)

I’ve been going to psychics for tarot reading and palm readings for many years and most psychic predictions came to pass...and 50% of what was said did not. 

I contacted her through her website, and I got a call from her the next day... I had a 2-hour phone reading with her. She’s funny, sweet, and knows what she’s talking about...and an all-around "fun" person and a truly authentic psychic medium. 

And everything she told me came to pass. At the time I was going through a divorce and I was worried about a few things... what I feared the most happened, but at least Valerie told me what to expect. I was truly amazed she knew everything that ever happened to me. And I don't go to anyone else but her. She became my psychic and friend as she does with all her clients. She has changed my life and gives me hope. 

Additional comments RE: How Do Psychic Mediums Work?  - by Medium Valerie Gayle

I enjoy connecting to nature, animals, earth, the creator and guides. I find in doing so, I do better and more accurate readings. - Do you have specific questions? Would you like to find your soulmate? Someone who shares your ideals, beliefs and goals. Have you tried everything, but you can't find the one you click with? Maybe it's because your spiritual connection is not there. Have you tried online dating and it's not working? I can help in this area too. Simply by tuning into your love interest. 

About relationships - I have spent years guiding people in their relationships. You may ask questions such as where is this relationship going? Is relocation in my best interest? Why does he/she act this way? What's ahead in my life? 

I strive to give you answers to your most pressing questions. Love readings are based upon my honest feelings about your situation. I am compassionate and empathic, but also very honest. If I do not feel a relationship will work, I will not sugar coat to make things better. This just delays things in your life, and keeps you from meeting the right person.

I believe, an authentic psychic medium gives EVIDENCE of life hereafter. You must strive to make your readings specific not vague, for instance, saying your grandmother is coming through and gathering information based on either a callers voice, or asking questions to gain information, is not a medium reading. A medium reading is not always going to be 100% but there must be at least some info specific to the caller that only you and the caller could know. A name perhaps, a piece of jewellery, a physical attribute etc. Generalized statements are not my style. Such as a fact that can pertain to almost anyone. I have to admit; I have seen and met a few great mediums in my time. Thanks goodness! They give us hope, they let us know, that there are really honest truthful mediums out there. They really know their stuff, and they are extremely gifted. Hats off to them! I have recently started my own show on blog talk radio, showing evidence, of medium abilities on my own part. So, if you would like to share your loved ones with me, so I can give some messages from beyond, I welcome your call. 

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