About The Psychic Development Circle Used In Mediumship Practice

Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

A Psychic Development Circle will enrich your innate extrasensory abilities and skills. You are a remarkable person. You were born with remarkable abilities. Are you ready to seize the opportunity to better understand your gifts? If so, these groups that generally focus on topics such as intuition, psychometry, meditation, intuitive tarot readings, the ‘clairs’ (clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc.), trances, healing, telepathy, mediumship and more, can help you.

Your Special Powers are your divine heritage. These are deeper mind qualities that must be developed, excepting in the rare individuals who were born with the ability to use their special powers at will. However, most people stifle tentative stirrings of telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, etc. They are either afraid or don’t believe in special powers.

In the FAQs that follow we explore several avenues, which will help you accentuate spiritual expression. But a bit of old-fashioned persistence is in order. If the psychic circles you find don’t work for you, create your own or find an online circle your energy resonates with. Refuse to give up. Never look back, keep going forward. Take the next step and it will lead to the next and the next.

How To Find A Psychic Development Circle That Will Nurture Your Spiritual Connections

Your Frequently Asked Psychic Development Circle Questions Answered

What is a psychic development circle?

  • A psychic circle comprises a group of like-minded people who regularly get together to develop their natural psychic abilities. The circle is a safe environment to nurture your spirit, to practice your mediumship skills and to learn new techniques from other members.

How Do You Find A Psychic Circle?

  • Perhaps, you know someone, who knows someone, etc. who participates in a psychic development group. Or visit your local metaphysical bookstores. Ask if they sponsor a Spiritual Development Circle. If not, they usually have a free bulletin board. Search it for development circles seeking new members. Or post a notice, indicating your interest in joining one.

How Do You Start Your Own Psychic Circle?

  • If you are you interested in starting your own Psychic Mediumship Development Circle, just be mindful that this is a commitment for an undetermined period, and it requires preparation on your part to maintain a cohesive group. Start by taking a mental inventory of your friends. How many share your enthusiasm for reaching their highest psychic potential? Experts suggest small groups of not less than five members, but eight or so, is better. No luck? Go back to the bookstore bulletin boards. Tack up notices of your intention to start a Psychic Development Circle and wait for responses.

Circle Meetings

Host introductory meeting. Set up regularly scheduled meetings. Get a written commitment from everyone to attend meetings on time, every time. Make official business short and serve snacks afterwards. This gives potential members an opportunity to get to know each other.

  • Best outcomes: Rotate meeting leaders. Offer each member the opportunity to teach a metaphysical subject of their choice. Or attract a psychic whose skills and abilities are fully developed.

If the group agrees to charging dues, you can pay featured psychics in your locale to speak on subjects that group members aren’t comfortable teaching.

What Is Psychic Circle Etiquette?

  • Maintain Psychic Integrity – this means don’t violate your group buddy’s boundaries. For instance, resist invading their auras, a.k.a. energy fields, just because you can. Energy fields are a vast storehouse of personal information. Tapping into another person’s aura is akin to rummaging through their purse or wallet and helping yourself. 

  • Send Love and Light to group members, rather than indulging in harmful comments and negative thinking. Reinforce at the opening of each meeting that the group leader (you) will not tolerate inappropriate behaviors, such as disrespect, raised voices, anger, etc.

  • Radiate love. Get good vibrations flowing. Reach out and touch powerful psychic energy. Have fun!

  • Excepting emergency situations, don’t leave a circle in progress. It distracts others and disturbs powerful energies in the room.

  • If it makes noise, shut it off - i.e., cell phones, e-mail notices – before the Circle begins.

  • Other than prescription medicines, drugs and/or alcohol are prohibited from circle. Offenders should be banned from future meetings.

Do Online Psychic Development Circles Work?

Live online psychic circles do exist, but they are not as good. You may have to pay a small fee - $10-15 – to get the access code you need in order to participate. They usually post a schedule with dates and times. Look for an interactive group, which allows you to ask questions and/or comment.

If you want to check the internet for online meetings as well as local meetings near you, I would start with a MeetUp group.

  • On MeetUp.com use the [Find a MeetUp] search window, making sure you select [Groups] not [Calendar]. You can set your own location and the distance you wish to search from your home location. MeetUps are not online groups but real face to face get-togethers of people in all possible interests. Use 'Intuitive Psychic Circle', 'Psychic Mediumship Development Circle', and 'Spiritual Practice Circles’ as your search keywords. Contact the groups that resonate with you.

You might also explore psychic development forums. Topics are all over the map, but you can start your own topic as well. Whereas in established circles the topics are static, and you usually aren’t permitted to divert discussions to a different subject.

For online groups on Facebook go to [Groups] select [Any Group] for both [Show Only] and [Membership] selections. Use 'psychic circle' again as your search keyword. While on Facebook if you [Like The Psychic Junkie Website Page] you will get any updates and suggestions I may have as I post them.

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3 Keys to Unlock Your Powers of Mediumship: An Evidence-Based Path to Communicate With Loved Ones & Others in the Spirit World.

In this FREE hour with Suzanne Giesemann, you will:

  • Gain an understanding of “evidential” mediumship and why it’s so sacred. 
  • Discover the 3 keys to mediumship: Belief in the Spirit World, alignment, and a shift in focus from the physical to the Spirit World. 
  • Learn how you can begin communicating with your loved ones who have passed. 
  • Find mediumship can be a path for your soul’s evolution. 
  • Hear about what makes a reading “evidence-based” - and how this form of mediumship raises the bar and meets the true goal of being an authentic and indisputable voice for Spirit. 
  • Experience a practice to connect with your guides and ask them for signs. 

Click here to learn more about this free event > >

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