Getting Your Ghost Caught In A Picture On The Run

If you want to get a ghost caught in a picture check out these tips that will help you capture real photographs of ghosts in a flash. First you should start by learning how to truly see spirit entities properly.

Sue Treanor is the verified author of this guest post.

It’s so important to train your vision before you try getting a ghost caught in a picture. You want to be able to see a ghost or spirit in the first place. People often ask “how” I actually see them. Of course, some of it, I was born with! But there is a knack to it that you can learn.

How To Get Your Ghost Caught In A Picture

What is capturing photographs of paranormal activity?

Capturing photographs of paranormal activity refers to taking pictures or images of phenomena associated with ghosts or spirit entities. These phenomena can include apparitions, orbs, mists, and other unexplained visual anomalies. I believe ghosts or spirits can manifest themselves in visible forms that can be captured by cameras. Some people believe that these manifestations can only be seen in photographs, and that they are not visible to the naked eye. There are various techniques that you can use to capture these types of photographs, such as using a Paranormal Investigation Camera or filter, taking pictures in low light conditions, or using infrared or ultraviolet light. Some locations are more likely to be associated with this type of spooky activity, and it is worth focusing your ghostly photography efforts in these areas first.

Train Your Vision To Get A Ghost Caught In A Picture 

When looking at a magic eye picture it looks like a mass of squiggles and dots – but when you relax, stare at one point and de-focus, then you begin to see a 3D picture emerge. It’s exactly the same with seeing spirit. It’s best to try this in the dark at first, so an overnight vigil on a Ghost Hunt is ideal. Focus your attention on one area – then take note of what is in your peripheral vision, as this is the vision we use to see spirit. Let your eyes gently de-focus. At first you may see colors or wisps of grey but the more you practice, the better you will get. You can try this when you are in your bedroom at night too – it’s how I taught myself to see spirit when I was little!

Always remain rational – if the lights all go out that doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a paranormal explanation – check the electrics first before trying to get a ghost caught in a picture.

Always take notice of your intuition – it is your number one tool in Ghost-hunting. Should your intuition tell you to run then best RUN! But while running try to point the camera behind you and have your shoot mode set to burst, so that multiple photos are taken with one click, or run it on a video setting. You may be surprised with a ghost caught in a picture when you return to safety.

Make sure you always carry spare batteries and torches – spirits have a way of draining new batteries and messing around with equipment – don’t get caught out and always carry spares. Always take spare jumpers/scarves/leggings – anything that will keep you warm – even in the summer it’s easy to misjudge how cold it gets in the middle of the night! Take some Chocolate and some water – two great grounding foods which will also give you a quick boost when your energy is flagging.

If you do see anything remember to try and get a picture! Remember that full manifestations are quite rare – although they do happen. Don’t get disappointed if you don’t see a full blown ghost on your first hunt! Make sure you have something to eat before you begin. At 3am everyone’s tummy begins to rumble if you don’t – which can be off-putting when you are listening out for a ghost!

Most importantly – have fun. And you could be lucky to go home with some really ghostly photos." 

Guest post by Sue Treanor

Sue Treanor

Sue Treanor is a natural, self-taught psychic medium and has been involved in private circles, with Mia Dolan of ITV’s Haunted Homes, appeared in various newspapers, Fate and Fortune Magazine and on Kerrang! Radio. She has also made a short film on Spiritualism for the BBC’s faith Website.

Sue is also involved in spirit rescue and house cleansing and works for a British Ghost Hunting company as a medium. She can take you on walking ghost tours in castles, houses, museums, tunnels and other haunted places throughout the UK.

With her husband Michael, Sue Treanor runs a spiritual shop and centre in a haunted building in Evesham in Worcestershire UK. They sell crystals, books, tarot and oracle cards, jewelry, Angel Goods, figurines, and a large range of Wiccan goods. Their famous and popular open evenings have discounted readings as well as free wine and nibbles for all who attend. Ghost hunters from all over the country come to Spiritus to investigate and come face to face with Colin, their resident Poltergeist. 

YouTube - Sue-Michael Treanor

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