Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

The Art Of Creative Visualization As Practiced By Shakti Gawain

To get the best grasp of the secret in the art of creative visualization I recommend you learn from the pioneer herself - bestselling author Shakti Gawain. Here is my synopsis of her groundbreaking work, now the classic guide on the power of your imagination.

What positive changes do you want? Attract a job promotion, get a new job, reach career goals, be a better boss, or even to become a successful entrepreneur, start a new relationship in the near future, increase prosperity, move into a new house, gain heightened self-confidence, motivation and so on?

What do you want the power of creative visualization to deliver?  Ask – Believe – Achieve!

That the Source wants you to have all the goodness you want and deserve is the premise of Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain. This isn’t a book to just read and stick on the shelf to gather dust. Creative Visualization is a book of powerful techniques to work on – highlight, underline passages, make margin notes and do the exercises, affirmations and meditations.

The Art Of Creative Visualization As Practiced By Shakti Gawain

The Art Of Creative Visualization Is No Longer A Secret

Using your imagination, you can create what you want in physical reality. Combining imagination with mental energy is a powerful law of attraction technique to create inner peace, healthy relationships, abundance, personal growth, improvements in the fields of health and beauty… all the goodness you desire.

Part One - The Basics

Does Creative Visualization Work?

“Every moment of your life is infinitely creative, and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request, and everything your heart truly desires must come to you”.

–  Shakti Gawain 

Creative VisualizationWhat is the big secret to the art of Creative Visualization?

What do you want above all things? Make a mind picture of the thing, focus on the image several times daily. Power your specific goals with vivid examples and positive energy until the thing manifests into your everyday reality – as if by magic. You may not be a visual type person. If so, just concentrate deeply on the thing. Imagine yourself owning it, doing it, being it, etc.

Shakti Gawain is a wise teacher, who writes with clear, easy-to-understand language as she leads you from creative magic of visualization to manifestation of your deepest desires.

The concepts are old and didn’t originate with Shakti. Rather she has produced a ‘synthesis of the most practical and useful ideas and techniques’, gathered via her extensive research of creative visualization systems and plenty of practice. Most especially her individual mastery of these laws.

According to Shakti, this system of mental creative visualization is, “…magic in the truest and highest meaning of the word”. You don’t have to be a student of esoteric work or a spiritual seeker to benefit from the practice of creative visualization techniques. However, it’s important to suspend judgments and give yourself permission to believe the guiding principles laid out in this self-help book are possible.

How do you do creative visualization?

To use the creative arts of visualization it is important to understand that matter exists only as energy. Humans are energy. All is energy. Energy vibrates in diverse fields at varying rates of speed, from fine to dense. Energy attracts energy of a comparable kind and/or vibration. Thought energy is fine and attracts like energy. The art of creative visualisation begins with what is called a thought form. Thoughts go ahead of manifestation. For example, a seamstress has a pattern, then creates a dress. In the same manner, you will use the laws of creative visualization to create a thought form (mental picture) of whatever you desire to manifest on the physical plane. Thought energy is your pattern. Power it up and send it out into the universe. It will magnetize itself and attract like energy and ultimately manifest the physical existence of it, with the successful completion-creation into your everyday reality.

Congratulations! You have invoked the basic prosperity law of radiation and attraction. The Bible designates it as giving and receiving or sowing and reaping.

We all know some poor people with negative habit patterns who constantly lament, “Why do bad things always happen to me? I just can’t catch a break…” Failure thinking will manifest lack and limitation.

And so, it is: Affirmations

Pay particular attention to the chapter on affirmations. Shakti defines affirm as to make firm. She contends that affirmations are a most powerful resource for your successful operation on the subject of creative visualization.

The magical operation of daily affirmations can change failure thinking to positive thinking. The correct affirmations energize your thought forms. Taking the affirmative approach to daily life brings better health, solves at home and on-the-job problems and, bottom line, helps manifest miracles into everyday existence.

Affirmations consist of positive thought and are composed ‘as if’ what you affirm already exists on the material plane. Shakti Gawain’s clear writing style lists correct sample affirmations you can use, such as: “I am now attracting loving, satisfying, happy relationships into my life” and “I love and appreciate myself just as I am”.   

Like ancient esoteric/spiritual teachers, in whose footprints Shakti follows, she encourages incorporating spiritual sources into affirmations. Use the words divine love, Christ within, God. Spirit, Wisdom and so on, to ensure your affirmations are most powerful.

“I do believe, and I have seen in my own life, that creative visualization works.”

- Oprah Winfrey

Part Two is about using the great art of creative visualization. Making it part of regular life, the secret of Be-Do-Have, as well as making sure you have all the necessary elements. In connecting with your higher self, you learn how to go with the flow in healing, prosperity and happiness in general.

Part three, “Meditations and Affirmations”, involves serious work. Shakti provides a relaxing and self-healing meditation in the section, “Opening the Energy Centers”.

Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain

Create an inner-sanctuary, a safe space within, to practice creative visualization and more. In “Meeting your Guide”, Shakti offers a guided meditation, where you will invite your inner-guide into your sanctuary. Shakti also explains the simple process of “How To Use Affirmations”.

Correct knowledge comes from much study of a system of creative visualization like this and Shakti puts the cherry on top in part four introducing the special techniques that will give you the polish to achieve. For instance, keep a “Creative Visualization Notebook” to hold your written goals and affirmations, note your progress and successes. You will also learn correct goal setting and how to write correct affirmations.

Part five of Creative Visualization wraps-up the latter part of the book with the successful conclusion we would expect esoteric books to end with – with a bright new beginning. Once you have mastered the art of creative visualization in this groundbreaking volume, you may manifest what you want at will.

Make Your Visualizations Creative

Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain

As introduced by Shakti Gawain to more than seven million readers worldwide, the art of creative visualization is using mental imagery and affirmation to produce positive changes in your life. Gawain’s clear writing style and vivid examples make Creative Visualization easy to read and apply to your personal needs and wants. This groundbreaking work has found enthusiastic followers in every country and language in which it has been published, and Gawain’s simple yet powerful techniques are now used successfully in many diverse fields, including health, education, business, sports, and the creative arts. Whether you read it for general inspiration and empowerment or to achieve specific goals (financial, creative, medical, career, relationship), Creative Visualization remains a profoundly powerful resource from a uniquely warm and wise teacher. 

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