Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

The Alpha State Of Mind Techniques For Your Psychic Development

These alpha state of mind techniques will help you immensely if you want better psychic ability or you just want to improve your meditations. You can also get your free entrainment MP3 with a PDF script below.

Many psychics experience their ability from childhood, claiming to be able to see or talk to people others can’t see, or some other kinds of imaginary people or characters. 

Alpha Waves Frequency

Alpha brain waves = 14 to 7 cycles per second (CPS) when electrical activity is measured on an Electroencephalogram (EEG): These waves can be seen when using an ECG. Up to about the age of seven our brainwave frequency while awake is predominantly ALPHA. However, most of us lose these abilities past 7 years of age as that is when our brainwave activity speeds up along with our intellect and thinking skills. Luckily, with a little training and understanding, we can slow down our busy minds. Calming down enough to access these states of mind is essential for developing your psychic ability.

The Alpha State Of Mind Techniques For Your Psychic Development

Those that maintain their psychic gifts into adult life manage somehow to easily access their alpha brainwaves and even their theta waves. Most do this unknowingly I must add, but in doing so they are able to keep and further develop their psychic skills.

When we enter the alpha state, we are opening channel to our subconscious, our imagination and creativity and to our sixth sense. The Earth’s heartbeat – is known as the Schumann Resonance after the 1930s physicist Heinrich Schumann discovered the permanent standing wave in the atmosphere between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere predominantly resonates at 7.8Hz.

These Alpha State Of Mind Techniques Have Cosmic Synchronicity

I find it an interesting coincidence that the zone of our psychic ability coincides with these alpha waves of 7 to 14 Hz or CPS, and the heartbeat of the Earth at 7.8Hz. There in the lower end of the human alpha brain frequencies lays the gateway to our psychic realm.

How does this different state of mind feel?

  • Gamma waves are our fastest brain frequencies which measure somewhere between 42 and 21 Hz/CPS when we experience stress and our most hyper-conscious awareness.
  • Beta waves run between 21 and 14 CPS/Hz when we are awake, fully conscious, focused, and intellectually alert.
  • The Alpha flow state runs between 8 and 12 CPS when we enter light sleep, mediation, and light hypnosis. You will often see rapid eye movement (REM) when someone is dreaming. And this is where intuition pops in.

  • Theta brain frequencies reach between 7 and 4 CPS when we enter deep sleep, deep meditation, lucid dreaming, deep hypnosis. Mediumship and Trance Channeling take place at this level.
  • The Delta level is measured between 3 and 1 Hz/CPS when we enter very deep sleep, and our consciousness shuts down.

One of the best and most practical ways to develop your psychic ability is to learn to use alpha mind techniques, meditation, and relaxation skills like what are found in a Silva Mind Method Training or the like. Jose Silva the founder of the now world-famous Silva Method said his original seminar was structured to teach Clairvoyance. He initially studied hypnosis in depth to help his daughter with her school studies. In 1949 he began helping his daughter Isabel. He would bring her down to a semi-hypnotic state (the Alpha-Level) and during this relaxed mental state José would read lessons and recite poetry and then test her recall.

First results were excellent because while in the semi-hypnotic level we have direct access to our subconscious. So, the information that Jose’s daughter Isabel had studied was easily recalled from the subconscious to the conscious mind.

Great! … But what also started to happen, as she became at ease with using these techniques, was this - Isabel started to recall the poems that Jose had not yet read to her. She was one step ahead of him!

To quote Jose Silva. “It was hard to believe, but it was happening right in my own living room with my own daughter. Since I had read about Edgar Cayce when I was in the army and stationed near Bowling Green, Kentucky, where Cayce had lived, it made some sense to me. It also made me think again about all the research I had done about people who claimed to have been clairvoyant.”

Jose Silva continued to work with others to prove to himself that he had formulated these types of techniques to create a new training system that might bring out the clairvoyance in people. In the ten years from 1953 Jose Silva would train thirty-nine men, women, and children to function in a sure way as clairvoyants. From his regular Friday night get-togethers which continued to grow, the Jose Silva Method is now taught internationally through a network of Silva Mind franchises. Millions of people have now used Jose Silva's alpha state of mind techniques to help them build a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. Although no longer marketed specifically as psychic development training it’s the very same process.

Psychic Brainwave Chart

If you want to increase your alpha brain activity but can’t find a Silva seminar in your part of the world there have been many offshoots from Silva’s original type of work, you can try.

In 1963 Alexander Everett moved to the USA from England after being inspired by Silva's alpha mind power techniques. He went on to develop Mind Dynamics.

Here in Australia the Silva method inspired a seminar training called Alpha Dynamics. I was fortunate enough to work with Alpha Dynamics for several years in the 1980's. As well as seeing thousands of people awakened to their own inner gifts it also gave me a wonderful foundation to further develop my own psychic ability to a professional level.

These four-day training courses, under one name or another, caught on fast and continue to be taught throughout the world. As some of these training companies shut down many of the instructors put out their own versions. They formed such seminars and courses as Inward Bound, Lifespring, Forum, Life Dynamics, Context Trainings, Lifestream, PSI World Seminars, Actualizations, Leadership Dynamics, Inner Wealth, Vasta Meditation, The Sedona Method, and many, many more.

My Alpha Mind Power Meditation Techniques with MP3 and PDF

My Alpha Mind Power Meditation Techniques

When practicing my alpha state of mind techniques, using this 7-step meditation, be in a place where you will not be disturbed. (Turn off phones!)

While listening to the Alpha Entrainment MP3 (linked below) sit up straight in a comfortable position. Become aware that you are tense. Say to yourself “Alert Mind, Calm Body”. Smile, relax your face, relax your jaw, and sparkle inwards with the intent of entering into an alpha state of meditation.

* It is important to listen to the MP3 for 21 days while meditating so that your brain will make a good association to the alpha level with this meditation. After that you should only ever need to mentally go through the meditation, and you will naturally enter the alpha level each time. 

My meditation technique to increase alpha brain activity

Start with Red. Imagine the color RED coming up from soles of feet, through legs, going into your belly and stomach. Then imagine being filled completely by the color red with every cell of the body absorbing the color red now.

  • With slow, rhythmic deep breathing let the red become a mist all around you, slowly vaporizing away. Saying: “As I feel I am drifting towards the alpha state of mind now.”

Next. Imagine the color ORANGE coming up from soles of feet, through legs, into your belly and stomach. Then imagine being filled completely by the color orange with every cell of the body absorbing the color orange now.

  • With slow rhythmic deep breaths allow orange to become a mist all around you, slowly vaporizing away. Saying: “As my brain waves change to the alpha state of mind now.”

Then.. Imagine the color YELLOW rising up from soles of feet, through legs, into your belly and stomach. Then imagine being filled completely by the color yellow with every cell of the body absorbing the color yellow now.

  • Breathing slowly, deeply and rhythmically let the yellow become a mist all around you, slowly vaporizing away. Saying: “As I understand I’m nearly in the alpha state of mind now.”

Now.. Imagine the color GREEN expanding upwards from soles of feet, through legs, into your belly and stomach. Then imagine being filled completely by the color green with every cell of the body absorbing the color green now.

  • Breathing slowly, deeply, and rhythmically let the green become a mist all around you, slowly vaporizing away. Saying: “As I love relaxing with these alpha state of mind techniques now.”

Imagine the color BLUE coming up from soles of your feet, through legs, into your belly and stomach. Then imagine being filled completely by the color blue with every cell of the body absorbing the color blue now.

  • Breathing slowly, deeply, and rhythmically let the blue become a mist all around you, slowly vaporizing away. Saying: “As I know I’m in the alpha state of mind now.”

Imagine the color PURPLE coming up from soles of feet, through legs, into your belly and stomach. Then imagine being filled completely by the color purple with every cell of the body absorbing the color purple now.

  • Breathing slowly, deeply, and rhythmically let the purple become a mist all around you, slowly vaporizing away. Saying: “As I know I’m in my alpha mind level now.”

Finally... Imagine the color of VIOLET rising from soles of feet, through legs, into your belly and stomach. Then imagine being filled completely by the color violet with every cell of the body absorbing the color of violet now.

  • Breathing slowly, deeply, and rhythmically let the violet become a mist all around you, slowly vaporizing away. Saying: “As I am deeper in the alpha state of mind now.”

Staying relaxed, either continue in meditation and creative visualization, or while still listening to the FREE Alpha Entrainment MP3, gently open your eyes, and maintaining your alpha state of mind, continue with your chosen exercises.

When finished with the alpha meditation, open your eyes and stand up straight, stretch your arms out and upwards. Then clap your hands together and say out loud “I’m wide awake, fully refreshed and feeling fantastic”.

Get your Free PDF Script and the Free Alpha Entrainment MP3

You can download the Free PDF Script and the Free Alpha Entrainment MP3 from within my Inner Circle Member Page

What is Alpha meditation?

  • Practicing alpha state of mind techniques will enable you to access this magical state of mind (7.83Hz) consciously and at will. Without the discipline of a meditation, you will still enter alpha at certain times of your day, but not being aware of it you will miss a great opportunity to gain maximum benefits from your mind's hidden power.

How do you know if you are in alpha state?

  • In the past, to really know you’re in an alpha state of mind, you would need to hook yourself up to a machine used by neuroscience researchers called an EEG (Electroencephalograph). You would have sensors stuck to your head in certain places that accurately measure your brain wave frequencies. Mainly Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta. Nowadays advanced technology has made it possible (and affordable) to have your own EEG headband for home use to practice these alpha brain wave techniques.

How do you use a Muse brain sensing headband?

  • It is amazingly simple to use my Muse brain sensing headband when practicing my alpha state of mind techniques and know when I'm in the zone. I use the Muse app (with ocean sounds option) and my own headphones. When in alpha I hear the ocean gently lapping as if I was at my local beach and the sound of sea birds. I can tell you it is very realistic because I live near the ocean, and I walk on a secluded beach often. The birds sound exactly the same on my headband as they do when I actually walk past them at the beach! If my mind wanders out of the alpha state of mind the weather sounds in the headband become stormy and there are no birds. That is my cue to bring my attention back to my meditation and focus on my breath. The app keeps records so I can review my results and track my progress.

Learn More About What Your Brain Waves Can Do

My pick of the Alpha Meditation products from Amazon, publishing affiliate may get a commission

Meditations for Psychic Development: Practical Awaken Your Sixth Sense Exercises - by Chanda Parkinson 

The Silva Mind Control Method for Getting Help From the Other Side - by Jose Silva & Robert B. Stone 

Psychic Development: Simplified Practical Meditation System - by Aria Young

Psychic Development: Chakras, Auras & Meditation Techniques - by Luna Sidana

You have a Genius Brain Wave.

And if it were activated, manifestation would work 100X faster - but it’s dormant! And until now, researchers were lost.. But a brand-new trick from NASA has the entire community SHOOK up. They say all it takes now is this “7-Second Brain Trick” to target this brain wave and activate it!

And once you do:

  • Remarkable events start to take place in your life..
  • You notice your problems get solved for you, with little to no effort on your part..
  • Lucky things and synchronicities start to happen to you, and opportunities come your way..

This leading neuroscientist says it’s “like having a Superbrain”...

> > You have to see this short presentation all about it!

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