Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

People Who Remember Past Lives Share Their Experiences

When people who remember past lives share their experiences with us, it illuminates the amazing journeys of consciousness for our evolving souls through reincarnation, and we can diminish our fears of death.

So - relax, counting back slowly now:  10 - 9 - 8 -7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - and as you do so, find yourself enter into the adventures of reincarnation that follow.

Many of us have experienced Deja vu at some time or other. The strong feeling we have experienced some place or person before. Some of us drawn to a certain era and the clothes they wore. In our day and age, we have a very clear idea of the oppressive hierarchy of ancient Egypt, the rigid rules of old Japan, the grim reality of Victorian England, yet these and many other epochs have us drawn to them.

Reincarnation, and with it the idea of past lives, has appeared and reappeared as a spiritual concept throughout the ages, religious movements, and spiritual schools of thought. The notion of an immortal soul moving from one body to another in succession certainly makes more logical sense than a lot of other metaphysical scenarios. And, judging from the experiences of people who remember past lives and then report on them, this seems a notion worth exploring for everyone.

How Can We Remember Our Past Lives?

We do live other lives and we do have blocks from this life and others.  In society we treat the body and the mind and forget about the Spirit.  Yet it is our Spirit that will go on after the body dies - so we best make sure it is as healthy as it can be. 

Most people who remember past lives concur that regression can aid personal and spiritual growth and also highlight past life karma. Who would not want to improve their body, soul, relationships, and mental health, and shape their future life?

People Who Remember Past Lives Say Unlocking Your Own Experiences Can Help To:

  • Find out how past life memories can affect your present and future conditions.
  • Learn if you were together in the same relationship before.
  • Understand the feelings of déjà-vu. If you've not been somewhere before, and yet you identify with certain areas, cultures, without knowing why.
  • Discover how your previous life is impacting on the present.
  • See who your lovers were in a former life.
  • Clear phobias.
  • Hear what somebody in the past is wanting to tell you.
  • Create a road map to your past lives so that you can explore them on your own without the need for hours of hypnotic therapy.
  • Explain your birthmarks.
  • See why your soul made choices to bring people, and/or situations in your present life.
  • Solve mysteries of your past lives.
  • Realize that psychical death is not the end.

People who remember past lives claim their spirituality was be born from these experiences.

The definition of reincarnation has been the subject of heated theological discussion for many years, even centuries. Many religions refuse to acknowledge the possibility of reincarnation and demonize the concept of living past lives. However, the Buddhist and Taoist monks, and including the high priests of East India, have acknowledged the possibility of reincarnation for centuries and have, in many cases, proven it to exist.

Has science proven the possibility? Einstein stated that energy cannot be destroyed, and all things and people are made of energy. So, when we die, the energy is still there, and it must go somewhere. Is it possible for your energy to pass into another body and live on? I believe it can! There are ways to discover your own evidence about reincarnation. With regression we may unearth a trail of past lives and a path to future incarnations.

Usually, past life regressions are done with the help of a person specializing in the field, but the obvious question arises - do you really need a professional hypnotherapist or a psychic medium to guide you into past lives, or can you do it all by yourself?

The answer is - yes. Self-guided past life regression is indeed possible and, for many people, preferable to one guided by a third party. Being such a deeply personal and intimate topic, true regressed experiences are perhaps best accessed alone, in seclusion. This way, the feeling may be more liberating and the stress and shame of inadvertently blurting out something embarrassing in front of a psychic or hypnotist is avoided altogether. Your memories of previous lives remain your own to examine in peace.

FAQs For People Who Remember Past Lives

Can children remember past lives?

Dr. Jim Tucker is the director of a research group (founded by Dr Ian Stevenson in 1967) called the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia. In his book, Return to Life, Jim shares some strong cases of young children in the United States who remember previous lives. One account features James who was having nightmares in which he screams “airplane crash on fire - little man can't get out.” When asked about this the boy was able to recall details like his plane was a Corsair, which was an American fighter plane that was developed during World War II. Later when James was 28 months old, he told his parents he had flown his plane off a boat called “Natoma.” Later research showed a plane piloted by a man named James Houston was known to have crashed exactly as young James had described. Huston was the only pilot killed during the real operation. Click her to skip to main content for this case report.

Can you experience a past life in dreams?

Have you been dreaming of a past life? Your subconscious mind can reveal your own previous life in dream. Try this technique to have a past life dream just before falling asleep.

People who remember former incarnations in dreams say the best way to start is by imagining yourself falling backward through time as you fall asleep. Focus on the feeling of being somewhere else. As you do this, you can choose to go back through your life, imagining that you are getting younger and younger. Then, go back to birth. Imagine that you are going beyond your birth. Soon, you will feel like you are falling through to another time all together.

This may take time to train your mind to do, however, after a while, the past life dreams will come, and you will want to write them down as soon as you wake up. You may already be having dreams of a past life, or of several past lives. To tell the difference, you will look different in your dream. It will be you, but it will not look like you. If you need help with this process, you could read more about Past Life Dreamwork.

Can I know my past life by meditation?

Someone who remembered former incarnations from self-initiated regression might say meditation is a way to go. You will need to enter a state of mindfulness, avoiding all external influences, and then clear your mind of conscious thoughts. Then begin to focus on a spiritual journey which is not too different from astral projection.

Once you get into that semi-hypnotic state between wakefulness and sleep, try to mentally create a hallway through which you are to pass. Imagine it vividly so that you can use the same astral image every time you want to explore your previous incarnations. Now will your astral frame to walk this hallway, open the door at the end of it (and open your mind with it), being ready to accept whatever you may be able to see.

At first, the images, sounds and sensations may be as simple as smelling the ocean or seeing the color red, the feeling of petting a dog or observing an old house that used to be yours. Sometimes, you may face past life memories that are a lot more vivid and a lot less pleasant.

People who remember past lives through meditation stress that you must stay focused, keep your mind open, and accept whatever comes your way. Let memories randomly appear and disappear, as if on a computer screen. Don't question what you see - you will have plenty of time to do that once you're back from your hypnotic trance. Be receptive and you may discover information well beyond your highest expectations.

With practice, images and sensations will become stronger, more detailed and, with them, your connection to your previous incarnations will blossom. Persevere and you will have some fascinating experiences in your self-initiated past life regressions.

Can you discover past lives in psychic readings?

Many people who remember previous incarnations had their first experience though a psychic reading. You can learn about past lives and their impact on your destiny through the akashic records. Want to know who you were in your past life? How that may be challenging who you are now? An experienced psychic can uncover some important aspects in your Soul’s history of incarnations. These psychic readings are perfect for those interested in past life exploration. For an alternative approach to heal long standing relationship issues, a consultation that investigates the past lives of you and your partner can reveal the deeper truth about what’s happening in this lifetime together. Past life readings are a great way to help relationships and soulmates heal from past choices.

Can you experience past lives in hypnosis?

Hypnotherapy is one of the most popular ways people who remembered past lives have had their experiences. The subconscious mind can retain information based on time for hours, days, even years. A study performed by a university proved this theory. During the test, a hypnotist placed a group of students under hypnosis. They were then told that their subconscious was going to keep precise track of every passing second on a specific signal. The students were then given an exact number of seconds that varied from thousands of second to millions of seconds. They were then given a stopwatch and were told that at the end of these seconds, they would have a need to stop the timer, regardless of where they were at and what they were doing. They would then be compelled to return the stopwatch and then go about their regular lives. When each student’s time was finished, they returned their stopwatches. The results proved that the subconscious never forgets. During past life hypnosis you can gain access to your subconscious mind, and you are able to access the memories of past lives. You may soon become one of the many people who remember former incarnations through hypnosis.

Guest Posts From People Who Remember Past Lives

The pages below include content from multiple authors. I have verified and approved these submissions. – Ian Parkin

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Comments For People Who Remember Past Lives

If you would like to ask questions, add answers, or post comment on this page please use my contact form. Start the conversation with the heading About People Who Remember Past Lives.

If you're inspired to write an article on this subject please submit a guest post here.

Past Life Dream - M Laurayne, South Congaree USA
I dreamed I was myself, but I couldn’t see me like I was actually me moving and talking in my dream. Until I saw my reflection in the dream, I was unaware I looked almost identical to the way I do now other than having a different hair color and a bit heavier. I was having similar problems as I do now and have had with addiction except, I was just beginning to battle active drug addiction instead of battling to remain sober. I also was having relationship problems with the same boyfriend who is an ex of mine in current life that I was with for 8 years in this life. We had 3 children, all girls together in my dream, but no one together in reality. I do have one son currently, but he’s with another man I briefly dated during an ‘off’ period before our ‘big’ break when our lives truly separated permanently. I’m not sure if I was seeing a past life or if I was in another reality like a different dimension. It was freakishly like my current life but as if I’d made different choices yielding different results. When I woke up, I struggled to grasp where I was and who I was. I felt like I was in the wrong place or something. I wondered where my girls were and truly forgot, just for a few moments, that I had a son. It took over ten minutes to be able to decipher my dream from waking life and I guess come back to reality per say. I still can’t shake it two months later. It haunts me almost like I’m not where I’m supposed to be like I’m lost. The girls bother me the most. I think about them without even meaning to and feel a hollow spot in my chest or stomach when they come to mind. I know that dreams mean something important, but I don’t understand or know how to understand.

Glimpse Of My Past Life In A Dream - by Lucy
I have been fascinated by people who remember previous incarnations for as long as I can remember. I have always felt like I have lived before but one night as I was drifting off to sleep, I had a vision/dream which I believe was a glimpse of a Past Life.  In the dream I remember being at the bottom of a big grass hill (It felt like in Scotland) and making statements to the people next to me that 'I think they have gone now' and feeling a big sense of relief. But after I said this a big group of Celts (probably about 7 or 8 of them) with face paint and swords charged down the hill and chased us.  But then I woke up. This past life dream felt different to a 'normal' dream it felt like a true and distant memory. 

Oscar's Past Life - by Oscar (New Jersey)
During a past live dream, I was a knight of the Crusades and fought in battles. I saw a big castle. I was riding on my white horse. I was on the outside and saw the walls of the castle rather high. The floor was rock. I could hear the sound of the horse walking on the hard floors. I had a white cape with a red cross and a spear in my hand and helmet on my head and could see the other knights.

I Now Believe In Past Lives - by Louise (Canada)
I will never forget a startling past life reading with a psychic. Not only was it very insightful towards a childhood (and adulthood lol) fear, but it was very shocking and accurate. As a VERY young child I would have recurring dreams of tornadoes (even before I knew what tornadoes were) and to this day have a very horrible fear of them (I have been in TWO tornadoes when I was a teenager btw). In my past life reading it was revealed that as a child I was unfortunately lost and killed by a tornado that raged through my family's area and farmland. What was shocking was that my psychic told me when my family finally found me, I was stuck underneath a fallen tree; and one of its limbs went right through the right side of my chest and went right through all the way and came out my back - just by the tip on my shoulder blade. Well ... in this life ... I have a HUGE birthmark in that very spot where the tree branch came through. It is very horrible looking and I'm very self-conscious of it ... so I hide it well and NEVER talk about it or draw attention to it in any way. 

True Previous Life Experiences - by Authentic Psychic Medium Valerie

Past lives are an amazing way to heal a relationship or even a physical problem. I like to go into meditation for this exercise. This is not your typical meditation; it involves an ability to visualize. I would suggest you get in a place you feel most comfortable, couch, under a tree etc. Then ask your guides to show you some true past life memories. After this you will get feelings, visions or just a hunch about where you lived. You may just see small clips, at first. Keep allowing these visions of true experiences to flow. At the end of the meditation, visualization, you should be able to have a grasp about where you lived, your relationships and situation. So, if you have neck pain, back pain, this should feel better after a few of these sessions, when you see how you passed/transitioned. 

Who Else Has True Past Life Experiences To Share?

Your Past Life Guest Posts

To add answers or comments about past lives please use my contact form. Please start the conversation with the heading [About People Who Remember Past Lives]. 

Or if you want to write a full article about past lives, regression therapies, meditations and hypnotic techniques please submit a guest post here.

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