Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

The Best Schools For Psychic Development Sorted By Country & Online

Here's my updated list of schools for psychic development and the study of metaphysical sciences that allow you to pursue spiritual growth in USA, UK, Australia and Online.

Some of these schools for psychic development offer distance learning as well as on campus studies. Those listed have been recommended in one way or another over time. This list began as part of my main psychic development training page. I have now expanded and moved this section on here as it has become a bigger and more popular focus.

Psychic Schools Around The World

Lists Of Schools For Psychic Development 

USA  /  UK  /  AUS  /  Online  /  List Your School

Schools for psychic development in the USA

The Association for Research and Enlightenment. The ARE was founded in 1931 by one of the world’s greatest psychics, Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), to research and develop psychic ability and to explore transpersonal subjects such as holistic health, ancient mysteries, personal spirituality, dreams and dream interpretation, intuition, and philosophy and reincarnation.

Atlantic University, Virginia Beach, USA. Edgar Cayce helped to found Atlantic University in 1930. Atlantic University is an accredited graduate-level institution of higher education open to all qualified students. As a distance-learning school, you have the ease of learning from the comfort of your home and personal schedule. In keeping with its purpose, the University also sponsors faculty and student research that seeks develop psychic ability by understanding phenomena related to spirituality, such as perception beyond the traditional five senses, meditation, dream analysis, and mind/body healing.

The Berkeley Psychic Institute, another of the leading schools for psychic development in the USA, calls itself a psychic kindergarten. Established for over thirty years, they can teach you how to recognize and develop psychic ability.

The College of Metaphysical Studies is located in Florida, USA, has been one of the leading schools for psychic development and metaphysical and spiritual education since 1986. The primary purpose of CMS is to train and educate prospective leaders for New Age, New Thought spiritual/metaphysical ministries and schools through Distance Learning or On-campus Training. Those persons not planning to become metaphysical practitioners, but who wish to pursue a solid self-improvement program and develop psychic ability with an excellent education in metaphysics and the spiritual sciences, are encouraged to enroll in either a degree or non-degree status. The College bases its curriculum on the information disclosed by a careful analysis of metaphysics and the Truth revealed in faith that can be applied and interpreted to meet the challenges of the new millennium. CMS teaches a living spirituality which recognizes and assimilates the contributions and revelations of the arts and sciences and all living faiths of the world. The courses are for the most part, a compilation of many of the great metaphysical/religious/spiritual authors. The information contained in our courses is meant to simply state the established facts and allow the student to develop psychic ability and progress further with a solid foundation and a better understanding. We urge each student to question as they progress and accept only that with which they feel comfortable. We welcome applications from people of all ethnic backgrounds regardless of sex, race, religion, nationality, sexual preference or marital status. [metaartsandsciences.org]

The University of Alternative Studies offer higher education Psychical Studies in course and degree program formats. Tuition is very affordable, and course material is based on metaphysical concepts and current scientific research in parapsychology, paraphysics, neuroscience, and quantum mechanics. We also have a free online library with over 450 articles, research papers, and books available to the public.

The mission of the University of Alternative Studies is to offer unique courses and degree programs based on current research and innovative concepts. For example, their degree programs in psychical studies based on current research in quantum mechanics and neuroscience. Their goal is to educate the public on current advances in parapsychology, paraphysics, and metaphysics as to stimulate public interest and research in these areas. In addition, to educate the public on the fact that there is empirical evidentiary support for psychical phenomena that is repeatable, and therefore, is amendable to scientific inquiry. They believe that with a greater emphasis upon practical applications of psychical phenomena, improvement can be accomplished towards the reception of parapsychology among other scientists and the scientific community via innovative concepts and methods of experimentation. [http://qpsychics.com/university]

The Aspen Program for Psychic Development takes the woo-woo out of psychic education. [psychiciq.com]

The Boulder Psychic Institute is a spiritual sanctuary for individuals seeking truth, freedom, and peace. They are inclusive of all faith traditions, beliefs, and philosophies. They practice ‘seeing’ the world around us with psychic freedom, which means looking within and acknowledging yourself as a human-being, and in turn, ‘seeing’ others in the same light; creating miracles with each ‘hello’. [boulderpsychicinstitute.org]

Schools for psychic development in the UK

One of the World's Foremost schools for psychic development has got to be The Arthur Findlay College at Stansted Hall in England. Mr Findlay bought the estate in 1923 upon his retirement from business and first mooted the idea of a Spiritualist College to develop psychic ability at Stansted to the Union in 1945. After personal contacts with THE SPIRITUALISTS' NATIONAL UNION of the UK a will was drawn up and in 1954 the National Council accepted the proposed bequest of Stansted Hall with an endowment. This was followed by a later gift in the form of stock to be used for furnishing and decorating, and in 1964, a year after the death of his wife, Mr Findlay transferred the Hall, grounds and endowment to the Union. Mr Findlay passed to the higher life in July 1964. The Arthur Findlay College now offers facilities unequalled anywhere in the world in the Spiritualist movement as a residential centre where students can develop psychic ability, study Spiritualist philosophy and religious practice, Spiritualist healing and awareness, spiritual and psychic development and kindred disciplines. Courses, lectures and demonstrations are all offered by leading exponents, together with the additional features of a library, museum, lake, magnificent grounds, recreational facilities and full board accommodation. (Here's a 10 min documentary on Stansted Hall (Arthur Findlay Psychic College)

The College of Psychic Studies in London was founded in 1884 by a group of eminent scholars and scientists. Its purpose was to facilitate formal investigation into the psychic and mediumistic phenomena that were such a topic of debate in the Victorian era. In 1925 The college president was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Today the College of Psychic Studies focuses on lectures, workshops and courses are devoted to increasing awareness and understanding of psychic and spiritual truths.

Schools for psychic development in Australia

The Chiara College of Metaphysics (Australia) was established in 1995 to promote education in the field of Spiritual Metaphysics that adheres to the principle of universal law - love and truth. Chiara (pronounced "Ki-ara") means light and clarity. The emphasis of the College is on progressive & innovative education through experiential learning. Spiritual metaphysics is about personal growth – to "Know Thyself". Inner wisdom is the key to spiritual development and to develop psychic ability. Spirituality is a state of being – it can’t be created but it can be achieved by stripping away the outer layers of our "self" created by the ego that prevents us from rediscovering who we truly are. We are born as a spiritual being but our ego and life experiences disconnect us from this reality. Our journey in life is to return to this state of being. The Chiara College is one of the only schools for psychic development I have found in Australia.

Online Home Study Schools For Psychic Development

Schools For Psychic Development
The Online Psychic School

The Online Psychic School is a spiritual sanctuary where individuals from around the world come together and use psychic tools designed to unlock and awaken natural clairvoyance. Clairvoyance allows you to find your own answers, solve the biggest of problems, see and communicate with angels, explore past lives and Akashic records, and read the auras, chakras, and spirits of the people around you.

You can discover the natural psychic within you in the free open house. In this class, you will understand what makes you psychic and learn three powerful meditation tools to begin developing your psychic abilities right away. Discover The Psychic School while unlocking your chakras, opening your third eye, and tapping into your clairvoyance. This free class is available to everyone. Taught live over the telephone or online application and classes can be taken through MP3 by request.  Click here to register for Clairvoyant Meditation Free Open House (Live)

A FREE hour with Suzanne Giesemann

3 Keys to Unlock Your Powers of Mediumship: An Evidence-Based Path to Communicate With Loved Ones & Others in the Spirit World.

In this FREE hour with Suzanne Giesemann, you will: Gain an understanding of “evidential” mediumship and why it’s so sacred. Discover the 3 keys to mediumship: Belief in the Spirit World, alignment, and a shift in focus from the physical to the Spirit World. Learn how you can begin communicating with your loved ones who have passed. Find mediumship can be a path for your soul’s evolution. Hear about what makes a reading “evidence-based” - and how this form of mediumship raises the bar and meets the true goal of being an authentic and indisputable voice for Spirit. Experience a practice to connect with your guides and ask them for signs. Click here to learn more about this free event > >

Akashic Reading Training Course

The Soul Realignment® Akashic Reading Certification Program
Are you deeply invested in your spiritual development and growth?  Are you ready to access the Akashic Records and transcend the confinement of most people's third-dimensional perspective on life! 

You can learn how to accurately and reliably access the Akashic Records - for yourself, your loved ones, as well as paying clients if you choose to do this work on behalf of others. Read more > >

There is great power in true spiritual ability. It is possible to know what someone is feeling, even if that person is thousands of miles away. It is possible to see your own future (the good and bad), before it ever happens. It is possible to attract a specific amount of money or a romantic partner with unique qualities, all by harnessing the powerful spiritual force that is available to everyone. The LifeLeap Institute is one of the schools for psychic development that offers a Free Psychic Training Course

University Of Metaphysical Sciences Bachelors, Masters, D.D., Ph.D. Degrees in Metaphysics, distance learning, Internet downloads or Postal Mail, Low Tuition/Payment Plans, Starts at $50/mo, higher education for spiritual unfoldment, teacher training...

A home study course is available from the Centre of Psychic Development. Their develop psychic ability courses; Psychic Development 1, 2 & 3 are widely known for developing accurate, profound psychics with quiet minds and outstanding confidence. Suitable for the beginner to those who have some psychic knowledge and wish to develop psychic ability to a further level. 

Some Silva graduates have been able to achieve unthinkable achievements such as… * Not just enhancing their intuitive and mental abilities… but discovering mind-blowing psychic powers within themselves.* Not just experiencing short bursts of inspiration… but channelling endless streams of intense inspiration—enough to create, write and build previously unimaginable creative masterpieces. Experience what I know to be one of the great online psychic development systems: Silva Ultramind System

Psi-Kid's Mission is to Develop Intuition Skills In Children and their families through specifically designed programs that teach how focused thought and consciously directed energy create the nature of reality.

Perceptive Awareness Technique, Inc. is a unique and proven approach to accelerating your natural intuitive abilities.  This class is for the student who wants to access their own Higher Mind for intuitive information for self and others.  Classes are taught on line in 4 four- hour segments.  Instruction is live and in real time with checking and rechecking of students progress to insure success with the procedure.  This is a lively interactive training with lots of in-class exercises and practice with classmates.  CD’s, manual and certification given upon successful completion of the course.  Class size is limited to 5 students for personalized instruction. For more information:  www.perceptiveawarenessinc.com

Your Comments About Schools For Psychic Development

Psychic Schools and Spiritual Colleges

Gifted Indigo Schools For Psychic Development - by Victoria (Vancouver BC Canada)

I'm Indigo and I'd love to have access to schools for psychic development. I'm not going to get into to my story of being an Indigo, I'll keep it simple, as like many others I've always been aware of who I am, I didn't have a name to put to who I was though until about a year ago, from a great friend of mine who is a medium, 42 years of practice :)  So, one of my greatest loves in the world are children... I love children soooo much! I've donated my eggs to a family in the Netherlands who are due to have their first baby in January! I have this Intuitive feeling it’s a girl and she too will be an Indigo :)  Anyway I'm also adopting my niece who is 2 months old, it's a long process but I feel so blessed to be the caregiver of my niece!  I was thinking more than ever, now that I'm about to become a mom for the first time, how I really don't want to have my children be in a regular school being taught by people far more negative, less open minded and too structured in the wrong areas. I'd like to know of, or start up some schools for psychic development for our children, one that teaches them all about the TRUTH and to be spiritual and enlightened! I want them to know what I didn't get to know until I was an adult. I don't want my children to be told they are crazy because other children don't understand them and their conscious level of thinking. If I can't run a school like this or find one, I'm going to home school and teach my children myself. For I know MOST children are VERY bright, that is until we condition them to think a certain way, limiting their imaginations, and making them follow the rest of the heard like sheep. My children and YOUR children should not have to be that way, for we as adults know better! We KNOW the values of the true divine world and galaxy, and our power is limitless if we teach our children to teach their children and their children’s children etc. A domino effect at best!  So this is my dream, I hope to someday make it a reality! Imagine how BRIGHT and POWERFUL our children would be if we started them in the right direction never redirecting their imaginations and intelligence... they'd soon be teaching us!  Thanks for letting me share my story!

Let's Start the Preschool! by: Indica Indigo
Victoria, I used to teach Montessori so I have my credentials but I love the idea of starting the preschool and teach them all the the things that we knew back then but were being told we were crazy.

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