Mistakes Tarot Readers Make & How To Avoid Them

Some mistakes tarot readers make are: Judging the person we are reading for. Neglecting to meditate before a reading. Reading too much into the cards.

Kelsey Alexander is the verified author of this guest post.

Whether you are new to practicing your psychic abilities or are a 5th generation clairvoyant it is important to remember these basic tips when it comes to reading Tarot cards.

As a Tarot card reader, you must rely solely on intuition when interpreting the meaning of the cards. Of course, you should also have a good grasp about what each card represents. However, as humans, sometimes we unintentionally judge the person we are reading, and that can influence the way we analyze the cards. Focus on the cards and what they say, not what you think they should say or what you think the recipient wants to hear. You may be surprised at how accurate the most unusual readings actually are! 

Some Mistakes Tarot Readers Make

Another one of the common mistakes tarot readers make is neglecting to meditate before a reading. (Even the most experienced Tarot readers can make this slip up). Again, we must keep our minds open and free from distraction or preconceived notions. Meditation helps the reader feel relaxed and receptive. Additionally, the psychic’s energy can be felt by everyone. If the reader is nervous, this could hinder their performance, and it could give the psychic reading recipient off-putting vibes.

Yet another of the mistakes tarot readers make is reading too much into the cards. When giving a reading, a good psychic knows that the message may not make sense to them, but it will resonate with the person receiving the reading. Though it may be tempting, refrain from over-analyzing what you think the cards could mean; simply stick to what the cards say - nothing less, nothing more.

No matter how inexperienced or seasoned a psychic Tarot reader may be, keeping it simple is always important. Second-guessing the cards or trying to over-decipher their meaning are critical but common mistakes tarot readers make. Remember, meditating is vital before a reading. Always read with a clear, open mind and a light heart. Trust your intuition, and trust the cards.

Develop Your Intuition And Become An Online Tarot Card Reader

You can learn how to become a professional online tarot card reader in 90 days or less with Tatiana Jones' bestselling course. In this short course, Titania teaches everything you need to know to start an online tarot reading business - with zero experience required! You do not need to be psychic to read tarot cards online! It is all about being intuitive and “connecting the dots”.

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Comments About Mistakes Tarot Readers Make

Tarot Card Guidance - by Jennifer (Canada)
I believe that tarot cards are an amazing way to interact with present energies and influences that might be present in your life. Tarot cards speak from an ancient whisper of long ago. Depending on the deck you choose to bond and connect with, there are many ways in which to look far beyond the boundaries of the mind. The cards speak to us, and offer us a universal door, a scope to reach our sub-conscious mind and deliver information. The best part about this is that when the oracle speaks it offers us impressions from the universal mind. The tarot is another yet very effective method of reaching far beyond the quarters of the ego-mind, for guidance, influences, energies, etc. 

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Author: Kelsey Alexander

Author: Kelsey Alexander, from the United States. 

Tarot is my number one tool. I read whichever cards are chosen and relate them to the matter at hand. I first like to confirm the situation and the answer from the cards then I like to try to give advice on how the client can proceed to help achieve a desired outcome or best deal with the circumstances at hand. I also read anything else that may come from the cards. Oftentimes, I pick up on things that surprise both the client and myself. I also enjoy bibliomancy readings. My method there is of course simple: the client or myself would choose a passage and then I would relate that message to the client's situation in a comprehensible way.

Awaiting contact update

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