Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

The Psychic Junkie Inner Circle Page - All The Free Stuff Is Here

Welcome To The Psychic Junkie Inner Circle. This page holds all my free downloads and special offers. You will also find the form to post your free psychic classified advert below.

If you have not yet subscribed to receive your weekly email updates you can do that below. (You can unsubscribe from this list at any time by clicking the link that appears in the foot of the emails I send to you.)

Welcome To The Psychic Junkie Inner Circle

The Psychic Junkie Inner Circle Free Downloads And Offers

Download The Principles of Successful Manifesting

The Principles of Successful Manifesting

In this e-book you will learn the foundations of the manifestation process and the built-in ability of your mind to create whatever reality you prefer. You will dive deeply into the exploration of your consciousness and discover that it is one of the most incredible and exciting arenas one can inhabit.

Welcome to the endless potential that is You!

Download Your Free Printable Pendulum Pad

Here is your Free Printable Pendulum Pad

Click here for information on Pendulum Scrying

This will also work as a Ouija Pad

Download Your Five Printable Pages Of Tarot Keywords

I created this List of Tarot Keywords to assist those who needed a tangible single word meaning for each card while they learned.

Major Arcana + Pentacles + Cups + Swords + Wands

Read about Tarot Meaning Keywords

Download Your Sheet Of Printable ESP Cards

Using Zener Cards - This deck of 25 cards originated with Karl Zener, Psychologist. Zener, along with his associate J.B. Rhine, parapsychologist, developed five test cards with symbols – 3 wavy lines, a circle, a 5-pointed star, a square and a plus sign - to administer tests for ESP.

Read about How To Test Psychic Abilities

Download Your Palmistry Blank Hand

Palm Reading Hand Print

Download a printable blank hand for your practice while learning how to do palm reading.

Learn How To Do Palm Reading

Alpha Mind Meditation PDF and MP3

Read the Free Alpha Meditation Script and listen to the Free Alpha Entrainment MP3, Sit up straight in a comfortable position. Become aware that you are tense. Say to yourself “Alert Mind, Calm Body”. Smile, relax your face, relax your jaw, and sparkle inwards with the intent of entering into an alpha state of meditation.

Read about Accessing the Alpha State of Mind

Free Psychic Classifieds For Inner Circle Members

Free Psychic Classifieds For Inner Circle Members

Check out the latest classifieds. This list is updated regularly with what’s on offer around our world’s psychic realms. Includes all divinatory practices.

Your free psychic classifieds will be removed by request or if you unsubscribe from the inner circle. Advertising is moderated and any classifieds deemed inappropriate or spam will be deleted.

(For SEO do-follow links please use an advertising subscription

Join My Inner Psychic Circle

Make sure you are subscribed before posting your Free Classified Advert

I will NEVER share your email address and you are able to unsubscribe from my inner psychic circle emails at any time by clicking a link that appears at the foot of all my email updates.

Each week I will send you an email informing you of the new and updated content I publish here at Psychic-Junkie.com.

Free Psychic Classifieds

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