Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

Crystalmancy Meditation For Using Your Psychic Power To Gaze The Ball

"CrystalMancy" is also known as Crystallomancy and Crystalvoyance. These readings are based upon a psychic receiving visions by gazing into a glass or quartz crystal ball or crystal point. Many psychics will go into a trance state for this type of reading, while others just use the crystal as a focus point for their outer eye, while they concentrate on envisioning with their inner eye.

While mere Muggles will associate a sphere in the hand of a wizard casting spells in the world of magic, real psychic readings are the main aspect of crystalmancy (crystallomancy). There is a lot more to this than meets the eye! (Pardon the pun).

Mother Earth has given us a gift of great significance: quartz crystals. Crystallomancy is not some New Age thingy. Crystals have been in use for over 80,000 years on our planet. It is believed that ancient civilizations, such as Lemuria and Atlantis, used crystals as their source of power.  

"CrystalMancy" is also known as Crystallomancy and Crystalvoyance.

Sharing our energies with crystals reveals conscious knowledge about our intellectual, emotional, and physical states. Linking our inconsistent vibrations with the balancing vibrations of quartz crystals can bridge the gap between our physical and spiritual selves.

Crystalmancers use a form of extrasensory perception,  when scrying with a crystal. It is a superb tool to read for divination. However, some psychics also see the powers of the gems as a tool for healing body, mind, and spirit.

For instance, Crystal Meditations squash conscious thought patterns and encourage the subconscious to flow freely. Crystal gazing can encourage an altered state of consciousness where we freely access our higher selves, psychic intuition, and Divine Wisdom.

Highly evolved psychics may peer into the crystal to predict the querent’s future, or to connect with departed souls and to offer practical advice.

You can practice crystal color meditations at home. You can see this aura chart with corresponding color meanings. Then determine what condition you want to work on and choose the appropriate color. If you are stagnant due to boredom, violet can enhance creativity. Yellow works wonders on stress and so on.

Your Crystalmancy Meditation Script

Here is a Crystalmancy Meditation Script for the practice of crystal gazing in a mystical crystal cavern with a kind spirit guide.

Here is a Crystalmancy Meditation Script for the practice of crystal gazing in a mystical crystal cavern with a kind spirit guide.

Allow your eyes to gently close as you take a few deep, cleansing breaths. With each exhale, feel the tension leaving your body as you sink into a deep state of relaxation.

You find yourself in a vast cavern, the walls glittering with countless crystalline formations. The air is cool and clear. A soft, ethereal light emanates from the crystals, illuminating the space with a warm glow. You feel completely at peace here in this sacred place.

A shimmering figure approaches - your spirit guide for this journey. They greet you with a warm smile. "Welcome traveler. You have found your way to the crystal cavern, a place of vision and foresight. I am here to assist you in peering into the mists of the future through the conduit of these mystical crystals."

Your guide leads you to a large central crystal ball. "Gaze deeply into the crystal," they instruct. "Clear your mind of all thoughts and let your eyes soften."

As you peer into the clear and glowing gem, its depths begin to swirl with color and light. Images start to take shape like clouds forming in the sky. You see visions of yourself and events that could unfold on your path ahead. Remain open and receptive, allowing the pictures to flow freely.

Your guide speaks again in a soothing voice. "The future is not set in stone, but crystalline possibilities that respond to each choice you make. What do you see taking shape before you? What wisdom does the crystal wish to impart?"

Spend time describing the visions aloud to your guide, asking any questions that arise. When you feel complete, thank the crystal and your guide for their assistance.

Take three more deep, centering breaths. As you exhale fully, visualize yourself back in your present space and gently open your eyes, carrying the insights from your crystal meditation with you.

Real Crystal Ball Readings with 3 Free Min & 50% Off

As your online psychic gazes into the crystal ball, she sees visions of your future and secrets that are yet to be revealed. What will happen in your love life? Will you be moving to a new place soon? Our crystal ball readers can tell what's ahead, so find out with an online crystal ball reading now!

Crystallomancy Healing Vibes

Here’s the awesomeness about healing color meditations with crystals. No need to buy a dozen different colors of crystals, you can just have a clear quartz crystal in all your meditations.

Close your eyes and grasp the crystal with both hands. Concentrate on drawing healing color rays (of whatever color you are working with) into the crystal.

Chakras are seven major openings where energy is received for the physical body. Each chakra executes a distinct function and is linked to a color – the brighter the colors, the healthier and more enlightened the person.

You can imagine ‘psychic chiropractors’ realigning the energy in your chakras, using the right crystals in correct arrangements. The aim is to relieve pain, stress and dis-ease.

It takes a dedicated psychic to master the intricacies of crystal chakra healing. Learning the placement, function and color of each chakra requires intensive study. Further practice is required to become skilled enough with crystals to facilitate healing.

By the way, green and pink are the colors with love vibrations.

Of course, scrying or gazing into a crystal ball is the foundation for a crystalmancer. This divination technique is encoded in secret psychic handbooks of olde!

Some Chinese acupuncturists use crystal needles in matching colors of the chakra being worked on. The infinite capabilities of crystal energies are virtually untapped.

Have Your Say About Crystalmancy

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Crystal Companions - by Nicki Parkin-Jones

The Crystal Companion

It’s Monday morning and you rise out of bed possibly feeling tired and not knowing how you are going to get through your workload today let alone the whole week! Let me introduce you to carnelian, a wonderful orange crystal.

The energy of carnelian is very motivating with a lovely safe holding feel to it. If you place a small tumbled polished piece in your pocket or around your neck (some ladies place it in their bra) for the week, you will achieve what you have set out to do and more! You will reach the end of the week with a real sense of achievement feeling energized and positive. Carnelian really can help and it is such a simple thing to do.

This pocket size book is designed to develop an interest in crystals and how they can be used in daily life. It is a great book for beginners or people, who would like some simple tips and instructions on how crystals can alleviate stress, worry and fear and also help to improve motivation, self belief and confidence. I give practical knowledge and guide you through using crystals in everyday situations, just like the example above.

My book also describes how crystals work when worn or placed on your body, how to cleanse and charge your crystal companions, and how to attune yourself with a crystal and where to place crystals in your home and workplace (achieving a balanced and positive environment).

After many years of personal study, I’ve compiled a list of first aid crystals. These crystals are like a vibrational medicine cabinet, helping not only physically but on emotional, mental and spiritual levels too. The book contains fifteen color photographs of crystals that are easily obtainable and simple to use. Not only can these crystals support you in times of need, they also can help you to reach a higher level of self awareness.

My book is short and easy to understand so even if you are a complete beginner you won’t become bogged down and confused. It’s a very practical book, full of tips to try out on your friends and family. This lovely little book can be worked through at your own pace, bringing you positive shifts and a more positive attitude.

Nicki Parkin-Jones, a fully qualified, experienced crystal therapist, combines the vibrations of crystals with reiki, colour & meditation to bring balance to the whole person. Providing easy to understand learnings and tips on how crystals can help us in everyday life. Also Nicki is a shamanic practitioner and felt artist, producing handmade felted throws, wall hangings, cushions, fire shawls and crystal meditation mats.

Nicki lives in Cornwall UK - You can contact her about the book here: facebook.com/nicki.parkinjones

A Collection of First Aid Crystal Companions

So Practical - by Anonymous
What a great practical little book! I didn't realize how easy it was to attune with the energy of a crystal. Just by wearing Citrine as a necklace, I feel positive and focused and ready to move forward on my journey towards enlightenment. It was really easy to understand and actually inspires you to help yourself. Crystal Companions is a great book that I will continue to work with. Well done.

How To Make A Gemstone Elixir - By Ingrid Stone - Germany
To make a crystal elixir, place the gemstone of choice in a glass jar of water and leave it outside for at least twenty-four hours to soak up the sun and moon’s healing life force. If you do not have twenty-four hours to soak the crystal it is preferable to leave the elixir out in the sun for as long as you can. Unless the moon is full, the sun tends to charge water faster. The idea is that when we drink the elixir it will cause physical shifts in the body as it heals our own molecular structure as it aligns it more closely with the energy of the crystal. When making a gemstone elixir always be sure to use purified or distilled water. It is also important to only use a glass jar not a plastic one because chemicals from plastic can leach out into your elixir. Some other tips are to research the crystal you plan on using your elixir beforehand and making sure it is an insoluble stone. Quartz is commonly used in elixirs and many people describe feeling an almost immediate charge after drinking a quartz elixir. This can be a healing and restorative ritual to add to your life. Feel free to experiment and I wish you luck on your own healing crystal journey.

More Related To Crystalmancy / Crystallomancy / Crystalvoyance

My pick for Crystal Ball products from Amazon, publishing affiliate may get a commission

Clear Quartz Crystal Ball with Wood Stand - Size 150mm (6")

Natural Amethyst Quartz Crystal Ball with Stand - Size 50mm (2")

Crystal Ball Enamel Lapel Pin for Psychics - Size 25.5mm (1")

LED Crystal Ball Stand - to Display Your Own Crystal Ball

Wiki Says: "Crystal-gazing (also known as crystal-seeing, crystallism, crystallomancy, crystalmancy, and spheromancy) is a method for seeing visions achieved through trance induction by means of gazing at a crystal. Traditionally it has been seen as a form of divination or scrying, with visions of the future, something divine etc., though research into the content of crystal-visions suggest the visions are related to the expectations and thoughts of the seer."  - Wiki - Crystal Gazing