The Pentacles Tarot Suit. Find Meaning In Each Of Your Cards Here

Richi Who is the verified author of this post.

The pentacles tarot cards are best known as being the suit of the physical. Their card meanings and symbols represent health, money, and anything to do with work, a job, a task, or a craft. These are the cards of fortune - good and bad luck.

Other names for Pentacles in Tarot are Coins or Discs. The symbolism of a pentagram is traditionally: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit, so it is all encompassing of life as a whole.

Each Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning In The Suit

The symbolism of Pentacles Tarot Cards includes earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.

I have based my meanings for each of the pentacle tarot cards on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:

Symbols - A hand emerging from a cloud holds a large pentacle. Below is a garden with lilies surrounded by a flowering hedge. An arched gateway leads to the outside world. Many Tarot packs simply show a large pentacle supported between two flowers.

Meaning - Perfection, Attainment. Prosperity. The combination of material and spiritual prosperity.

Reverse - Prosperity without happiness. Corruption by money. Misused wealth

New source of income. There is work to be done, but if the subject fixes their gaze on their outcomes, their path will take them there. 

Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:

Symbols - A juggler balances two pentacles on the shore of a turbulent sea.

Meaning - Difficulty in launching new projects. Difficult situations arising. Worry, concern.

Reverse - Agility in handling matters. Literary ability.

The Meaning Of Each Tarot Card - This is a juggling finances card. It counsels astuteness in financial matters. Make provision for turbulent times. Current concerns are not as serious as imagined.

Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:

Symbols - A sculptor is at work in a monastery.

Meaning - Great skill in trade or work. Artistic ability.

Reverse - Mediocrity, commonplace ideas. Money problems.

Mastering one’s skills is called. Qualifications and knowledge gained will lead to reward. In regard to health, this card can also indicate positive results from a new treatment or therapy.

Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:

Symbols - A crowned figure, having a pentacle over his crown, clasps another pentacle with arms and hands, whilst two pentacles rest beneath his feet.

Meaning - Love of material wealth. Hoarder, skinflint. Ungenerous person. Unable to share.

Reverse - Setbacks in material holdings. Opposition to further gain. Suspense, delay, opposition.

The Meaning Of Each Tarot Card - The message I see associated with this card is that the subject has got to give in order to get.  Holding on to ones possessions for dear life is not going to take them anywhere.

Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:

Symbols - Two mendicants in a snowstorm pass by a lighted window. One is lame, both are destitute. The window displays five pentacles.

Meaning - Material troubles. Failure, loss, impoverishment.

Reverse - Problems in marriage, obstacles to resolution of personal relations.

A difficult time, but this too will pass. Where there is life there is hope. The opportunities they seek are there, but the subjects are unable to see them at this time. Things will get better. This relates to health concerns also.

Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:

Symbols -A prosperous merchant weighs money in a pair of scales and distributes coins to the needy.

Meaning -generosity, philanthropy, gratification. Material gain.

Reverse -Avarice. Selfishness. jealousy. Unpaid debts.

The Meaning Of Each Tarot Card - Business success combined with a generous sharing of proceeds. Sharing the proceeds of good fortune is a prerequisite for attracting more.

Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:

Symbols - A young man leans on his staff and looks at pentacles distributed through the greenery.

Meaning - Ingenuity, hard work, growth. Successful dealings.

Reverse - Anxiety, impatience, loss of money. Unwise investments.

Success in a business venture, but there is more to the deal than meets the eye. Be aware of the detail. Often there is more profit in peripheral items than in the main product or service. Being a seven, patience or waiting is called for.

Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:

Symbols - A young man works at inscribing a pentacle. There is a castle far in the background.

Meaning - Craftsmanship, skill in craft and business. Commission, personal effort.

Reverse - Lack of ambition. Failure, greed, conceit.

Starting a new venture. Hard work along the learning curve as new skills are learned.

Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:

Symbols - A woman with a bird upon her left wrist stands amid an abundance of grape vines in the garden of a great house.

Meaning - Accomplishment. Foresight. Material well being, security. Love of nature.

Reverse - Threat to safety. Possible loss of a valued friendship of treasured possession.

The Meaning Of Each Tarot Card - Everything is blossoming and maturing. The fruits of the subjects labors a ready for harvest. Material goods are within their reach.

Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:

Symbols - A man and woman beneath an archway which gives entrance to a home and domain. A child and old man are also present.

Meaning - Prosperity, riches, security, family. Inheritance.

Reverse - Poor risk. Loss of inheritance or family standing..

This card pertains to family matters such as inheritance or financial help. Success and prosperity are guaranteed. If the subject in question is young this is the realization of their new home and happiness.

Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:

Symbols - A youthful figure looks longingly at a pentacle which hovers just above his open hands.

Meaning - Application. Study. Respect for knowledge. Desire for learning and new ideas. Bearer of news.

Reverse - An unrealistic person. Failure to recognize the obvious. Illogical thinking. Bad news.

The Meaning Of Each Tarot Card - This is a good luck card for both material and health matters.

Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:

Symbols - The knight rides a slow heavy horse. He wears full armor and holds a pentacle in his right hand as he surveys the country-side.

Meaning - A mature and responsible person. Methodical, reliable, persistent. Ability to conclude a task. A dependable person.

Reverse - Stagnation. Carelessness. Lack of determination. Limits set by dogmatic views.

A patient, well organised, hard working person. Their penchant for organizing things may at time be a bit obsessive.

Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:

Symbols - The queen of pentacles is seated on her throne holding a large pentacle upon which she contemplates. the setting of the throne is in a garden. The rabbit of fertility appears from its burrow.

Meaning - Prosperity and well-being. A rich person, but generous and charitable. A noble soul.

Reverse - Suspicious, distrustful, anxious. Responsibilities neglected. Fear of failure.

The Meaning Of Each Tarot Card - A practical down to earth woman. A good organizer. A supportive and perceptive wife.

King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:

Symbols - The king sits upon his throne holding a scepter in his right hand and a pentacle resting on his left knee. The back of his throne a decorated with the heads of bulls which are very much his symbol.

Meaning - An experienced and successful leader. A person of character and intelligence. Successful businessman, loyal friend.

Reverse - Corrupt, addictive tendencies, untrustworthy, unreliable.

This is the father figure. Wise yet helpful. Not given to compromise, however he is a masterful individual who brings common-sense to the table.

Author - Richi Who

The Late: Richi Who

I first met 'Richi Who' (AKA Richard Philippe) in 1986 when I had moved to Magnetic Island in Queensland. Richi was leading a mystical, monkish, life at the time. He was living alone while caretaking the solitary house at Arthur Bay for its owner, the late, Sid Ward.

Richi became an integral part of my own spiritual initiation and was to become my psychic guide. His late-night mystic sessions on Arthur Bay filled my life with wonder while opening doors to other worlds.  

Richi later became the first psychic reader I retained at my Ancient Wisdom Center and we stayed friends ever since.  Sadly Richi Who passed away in 2013 while on holiday in Europe. Happily he has since reconnected and is now one of my highly evidential spirit guides.

Read more by, and about, Richi Who > >

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