Predictive Dreams: How To Recognize Their Real Life Messages

The modern science of predictive dreams shows that the human mind starts dreaming when entering REM sleep (rapid eye movement). It is in this REM stage you will have the types of dreams that can reveal possible futures as well as normal dreams. The human brain runs in four main frequencies that are measured in cycles per second. Beta is 21 down to 14 CPS, Alpha is 14 to 7 CPS, Theta is 7 to 4 CPS, and Delta is 3 to 1 CPS. Such dreams that give you a precognitive experience (psychic dreams) happen in the REM stages of sleep where the brain waves are somewhere between the start of Alpha (14CPS), and the end of the Theta brainwave state (4 CPS). Scientific evidence says you can enter the dream world up to four times in a single night. Get yourself ready for these vivid dreams that give insight of future events. Upon waking the next day write down anything said, and anything seen in your precognitive dreams like symbols, colors, or significant people in a dream journal

Celeste Minerva is the verified author of this guest post.

How to recognize real life messages in predictive dreams.

To see the first sign of dreams that predict the future is to look for bright warm colors and symbols that are recognizable by you. Also, when experiencing this type of dreams, have a “feel” for the dream; was it a completely natural feeling for you to be in the situation in the dream state?

A dream with information about living in a large white house that feels like you have lived there forever, with all the luxuries at your fingertips will not necessarily mean you are to become materially rich in the physical world. However, the meaning of premonition dreams like this could suggest small things like you need to treat yourself better, give more to yourself. A house in a dream can relate to ‘The Self’, with different rooms being different aspects of the self.

Dreams That Predict The Future

If you dreamed about traveling a distance or being in a foreign country it can mean that your spirit needs to grow, or that you need to invest more time in opening your mind to people and situations that are foreign to you. When framing your predictive dreams for interpretation notice things like how you are traveling, whether the journey is difficult, or there are delays or you see dark colors, bad weather or happy, sunny weather with comfortable feelings can also describe how you are dealing with real events on path you are on.

You could also try to look around and notice things in these kinds of dreams, colors of cars, what people are wearing etc. to get a feel. Red is universally a symbol for a warning or stopping, but this is not always the case, Red can mean new energy and confidence, depending on the situation. Remember that many people are interchangeable, who you thought you were dreaming about might in fact be someone else.

 Take Note Of Your Predictive Dreams

Whatever your belief in precognitive dreams has been, if you think you have had one dissect it. Was it la - la - la - dreaming along - and then a sudden change, or you are suddenly aware or awake in your dream and then you only remember what happened after that? This can indicate a change in your own consciousness, some psychic advisors believe that spirit deliberately wakes you in a dream for to see or hear or experience a message or a scenario that will be important, usually within 3 days. How many times have you experienced a situation and thought, "I think I dreamed this - it feels like a déjà vu experience". You could be missing important inner guidance from the predictive power of dreams.

Predictive Dreams That Tell The Future

Is the dream about your future or is it a state of consciousness for dreaming away your tension?

Famous examples on idea of predictive dreams are Carl Jung who espoused that our dreams are a clear communication between our Higher Self and our ego self. And Sigmund Freud asserted that a latent dream is real and should be noted and worked on for interpretation. We are full of sub-conscious thought - subtle energies that we pick up from everything we do in our life. It can be difficult to formulate meaning from this jumble of sub-conscious processes.

When we sleep, sometimes we have bizarre dreams that can be loosely termed as nightmares. Weird beings, dark shapes, fearful emotions, or feelings of someone chasing you, accidents, a plane crash, our own death, or someone getting murdered or lost. When we awake from the night terrors of a strange dream like this, we say Thank God it has been just a dream. When this happens, and you try to look for interpretations you might start thinking something bad is going to happen or see it as a warning of a negative situation that is to come. Before you panic yourself on the possible causes of dreams like this, begin to examine recent past experiences in your waking life. Have you been under great stress? Upset emotionally and been too busy to address your inner concerns? If this is the case, then your sub-conscious mind may be overloaded and just needs to release what you have been carrying around. In this case your subconscious can merely dream away all you have been sweeping under the carpet. Sometimes your dreams need to take on the form of all the inner fears you have yet to release. Hasty dream interpretations from the previous night can give you erroneous insight. Don't be frightened by your own invalid dream interpretations. If you are internally angry at someone or something and you really don’t need to be carrying this around with you, your sub-conscious may well try to “dream it all away”, mainly to give you some inner harmony.

The most amazing events can happen in dreams; you can meet a famous person, fly an airplane, find a winning ticket to some outstanding prize, live or work in a totality foreign place and be someone else. These experiences are known as Lucid Dreaming. Psychic ability can be developed, and the power of lucid dreams can be perfected with practice.

Some images and experiences in your premonitions are of course influenced by what we are taking in from the real world around you. TV is an influence. I’m sure everyone has watched a movie, fallen asleep and dreamed as if in the movie is some way. Yes, T.V has a huge influence on us, more than we realize. Once you have uncovered the visual diarrhea you take in each day, clear precognitive dream content can be found. What takes its toll in our life is dreamed away by your sub-conscious. So relax, and enjoy letting go of the rubbish and only identify with the interpretation of dreams that seem to be totally real, like its really happening.

Guest post by Celeste Minerva

Celeste Minerva

Celeste Minerva has written “the Stars” for such sites as Ancient Paths and Modern Ways”, on Dream Analysis for Psychic Junkie and contributes to many other related websites. Celeste has also appeared on radio with her own programs.

With an awareness of having lived many lifetimes; some back to Ancient Egypt she brings forth elemental knowledge to the modern world. Her readings are derived from clairvoyance, clairaudience and direct psychic communication with her own special spirit guides. Using oracles of Tibet, crystals and sometimes tarot cards with her guide’s interpretations, she is an empath who can also recognize soul mate relationships and psychically interpret your dreams. 

With over 30 years astrological experience Celeste has formed a new and unique form of spiritual interpretation for planetary energies.

The meaning behind the name: Celeste means Heavenly and Minerva means Goddess of Wisdom. ‘Heavenly Goddess of Wisdom’.

You can connect with Celeste via Facebook

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