Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

How Your Reticular Activating System Gives The Law Of Attraction Power

Your reticular activating system is important because it makes the law of attraction work. That the RAS is the part of the brain that acts as a filter between your conscious awareness and your subconscious mind is common knowledge these days. What is not so widely understood is that when you fuse emotions to visualized goals you set your goals in motion and your RAS becomes a Magic Ignition Key for the Law Of Attraction.

No matter where you are or what you're doing, you are constantly gathering information via the senses. Even when you're sitting blindfolded with ear plugs in a dark room, The reticular formation receives input from the spinal cord and your senses of touch, smell and even taste are still gathering bits of information. You might notice external factors like how the ear plugs feel or how the slight cool breeze going through the room feels on your skin. You may notice a lingering taste from lunch or supper still in your mouth or smell a familiar smell. All the information from your senses ends up at the clerk's desk of our brain for sorting conscious thoughts, evaluating unnecessary information, taking action on important stuff when necessary and filing specific things for taking physical actions a later time. That clerk for your brain is your reticular activating system - RAS.

Why is my reticular activating system important?

If you sometimes feel like you're getting way too much information, way too fast and your brain is about to explode, imagine what state of mind you would be in without this area working hard for you and prioritizing the information by storing some and pushing the important pieces to the foreground. Every decision you make is affected by it. Whether it's buying a new car, getting a new haircut or looking for employment, you'll start noticing more information will start appearing everywhere you go. You'll notice people with the hairstyle you chose and how it flatters or detracts from their appearance. You'll notice cars everywhere that are like the one you chose and learn good things and bad things about the type of work you seek. That's because the filter of the brain now identifies those things as important and puts them toward the foreground so that your sensory organs will take notice.

Your RAS is the area where your feelings and thoughts converge with the information from the outside world. It uses your thoughts, goals and feelings as the guidelines for prioritizing and sorting the incoming information and alerts you to important information, while burying the unimportant in a different area of the brain. Rather than leave that prioritizing to fate, you can improve your RAS and make it work for you by using the two aspects of creative visualisation. The first is goal setting and the second is vivid imaging. Vivid imaging is the use of your imagination to view your goal as accomplished.

Setting your goals helps because it gives you a specific destination and a specific time frame to reach that destination. It helps create a clear picture of what you actually want. Writing it down reinforces the goal both visually and tactilely. Reading that goal aloud again reinforces the visual stimulation, while adding an auditory one. You are creating a new pathway that will stimulate your RAS to start prioritizing information pertaining to your goal, but the job isn't complete without one more step.

Your Reticular Activating System is key to Law of Attraction Success.

Enabling The Law Of Attraction With Reticular Activating System

How do you use the reticular activating system to your advantage?

  • You engage your reticular activating system with the use of imagery and vivid visualization. Your RAS filter doesn't differentiate between real and imagined, so creating a vivid mental image will trick it into identifying and prioritizing your thoughts to help you reach a set goal, alerting you to all opportunities to make it so. For your imagery to be vivid, you need to use all your senses and most importantly - your *emotions. To make this an effective method of goal achievement you need to be able to imagine what sounds you'll hear, smells you'll smell, things you'll see around you and how you'll feel. Perhaps you'll celebrate with a meal, imagine how it tastes melting in your mouth. Everything you can do to make it seem more real than imagined brings you a step closer to making it a true reality. *(The origin of the word emotion comes from esmovoir meaning - to set in motion.)

The good news is that you will be amazed at how your life changes when you start training this part of your brain. Remember, when you believe you can achieve desired outcomes, you can. You'll start noticing positive things that can help make your goal a reality. The same is true when you believe you can't do something. You'll find negative things pop up like roadblocks everywhere. Interesting examples are found in the challenge of running a mile in less than four minutes. It had eluded runners for hundreds of years. Then Roger Bannister did it one time and just 46 days later John Landy broke Bannister's record. Tangible proof from these past experiences changed popular belief and ever since then hundreds of others have visualized with emotion and achieved the goal, proving it was achievable before, just not believable. Make your goals believable, then add as much emotion and creative visualization as you can muster, and your reticular activating system will empower the law of attraction to bring the opportunities you need to your conscious attention.

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Wiki - Reticular Activating System - Law Attraction