Ian Parkin is the author of this post.

Free Hoodoo Spells For Love, Money, Luck, Protection, And More

The Casting of Hoodoo Spells is a spiritual practice that connects you with the energies of the natural world, ancestors, and higher spiritual beings.

In the free hoodoo spells below, you will find the instructions to reunite lost love, for attracting new love, for encouraging an amicable breakup, attracting an abundance of money, attracting good luck, and protection against negative energies, ill intentions, or simple misfortunes.

Hoodoo is a fascinating and rich spiritual tradition that is deeply rooted in African American culture. It represents a tapestry of African, Native American, European, and other cultural practices. Unlike some other magical practices that emphasize control over external forces, hoodoo emphasizes harmony, balance, and working with the natural order of the universe.

Free Hoodoo Spells For Attracting Love, Money, Luck, Protection, And More

Connection with Nature: At the heart of hoodoo spell casting is a profound respect and connection with the Earth and its natural elements. Practitioners utilize herbs, minerals, animal parts, and other natural substances in their workings. Each of these items carries specific energies or vibrations that can influence the world around us in positive ways.

Personal Empowerment: Hoodoo practices empower individuals to take control of their lives, guiding them toward self-improvement and personal growth. Hoodoo spells are often geared towards healing, love, success, and protection. Rather than relying on external powers, practitioners are taught to harness their own innate abilities and wisdom to bring about desired changes.

Ancestral Wisdom: Hoodoo acknowledges the importance of ancestral connections, recognizing the wisdom and guidance that can be obtained from those who came before us. Many practitioners maintain ancestral altars and perform rituals to honor and seek guidance from their forebears. This connection to one's roots can create a powerful sense of belonging and understanding.

Community Focus: Hoodoo often emphasizes community well-being and support. Practitioners may work to heal others, protect their community, and create social bonds. The sharing of wisdom and the emphasis on communal growth strengthens the sense of community spirit.

Ethical Considerations: In hoodoo, the intention behind a spell is crucial, and ethical considerations are paramount. Practitioners are often guided by a code of conduct that emphasizes doing no harm to others and acting in accordance with one's conscience.

Accessibility: Hoodoo does not require formal initiation or membership in specific religious organizations. It is an accessible practice, open to anyone who feels a connection to its philosophy and techniques.

Your Free Hoodoo Spells

Remember, it is essential to approach these free Hoodoo spells with respect and awareness of your true desires and a clear ethical understanding of the free will of others.

Reuniting Lost Love | Attracting New Love | Amicable Breakup | Attracting Money | Good Luck | Protection

Reuniting Lost Love Spell

This spell is intended to create an opportunity for love rather than forcing a connection.


  • Two red candles
  • Rose oil
  • A piece of parchment or paper
  • A pen with red ink
  • A small cloth pouch
  • Rose petals


Prepare Your Space: Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can focus your energies. Cleanse the area with sage or other cleansing herbs if you wish.

Anoint the Candles: Dress the two red candles with rose oil, thinking lovingly of the person you wish to reunite with.

Write Your Intentions: On the parchment or paper, write down your sincere wishes for reconnection with your lost love. Focus on the positive aspects of your relationship and what you hope to rekindle.

Light the Candles: Place the candles beside each other and light them, visualizing the flames as the warm love that once existed between you and your lost love.

Read Your Intentions: Read the words you wrote aloud, allowing the energy of your voice to infuse the room. Feel the sincerity and love in your words.

Create a Love Pouch: Place the parchment and some rose petals in the small cloth pouch. Hold it between your hands, infusing it with your love and desire for reconnection.

Seal Your Intentions: Blow out the candles, visualizing your intentions being carried by the smoke into the universe.

Keep the Love Pouch: Carry the pouch with you or place it under your pillow to keep your intentions close.

Trust the Process: Trust that if the love is meant to be rekindled, the universe will guide you and your lost love back together.

Attracting New Love Spell

This hoodoo love spell is crafted with love and positive energy, focused on drawing authentic and meaningful connections.


  • One pink candle
  • Lavender oil
  • A piece of rose quartz
  • A small piece of paper
  • A pen
  • A small cloth or silk ribbon


Prepare Your Space: Cleanse your space to create a calm and focused environment. Consider lighting some incense or playing soft, loving music.

Anoint the Candle: Dress the pink candle with lavender oil, infusing it with your intention to attract new and sincere love.

Write Your Intentions: On the small piece of paper, write down the qualities you're seeking in a new love. Focus on positive traits and what will genuinely make you happy.

Light the Candle: Place the rose quartz beside the candle and light it. As you do so, visualize the warm, loving energy you wish to attract.

Read Your Intentions: Read the words you wrote aloud, sending your intentions into the universe. Feel the emotions of love and connection as you speak.

Wrap the Rose Quartz: Wrap the paper around the rose quartz, and tie it with the cloth or silk ribbon. Hold it in your hands, focusing your energy on attracting love into your life.

Seal Your Intentions: Allow the candle to burn down completely (always observing fire safety) or extinguish it if you need to leave it unattended, visualizing your intentions being sealed.

Carry the Rose Quartz: Keep the wrapped rose quartz with you, in your purse or pocket, to remind yourself of the love you are ready to welcome into your life.

Stay Open and Positive: Trust in the process and remain open to new opportunities for love. Approach others with kindness and be mindful of the energy you project.

Amicable Breakup Spell

The intention behind this gentle Hoodoo break up spell is not to manipulate or control, but to facilitate a process that can be incredibly painful and difficult. Always approach it with empathy, compassion, and a clear understanding of the relationship and the reasons for parting ways.


  • Two white candles
  • Olive oil or other gentle, nurturing oil
  • A photo or symbol of both parties in the relationship
  • A small cloth bag
  • A piece of paper
  • A pen
  • Salt (for cleansing)


Prepare Your Space: Cleanse your area with salt or other purifying substances to create a calm and neutral environment.

Anoint the Candles: Dress the two white candles with olive oil, infusing them with your intention for a peaceful and respectful separation.

Write Your Intentions: On the piece of paper, write down your sincere wishes for a gentle breakup that honors the love and respect that once existed between the two individuals.

Place the Symbol: Place the photo or symbol of both parties between the candles. If you don't have a photo, you can write both names on a piece of paper.

Light the Candles: Light the candles and take a few deep breaths, focusing on the shared memories and the understanding that parting ways is the best course of action for both individuals.

Read Your Intentions: Read what you wrote on the paper aloud, expressing your desires for a kind and caring separation.

Create a Symbolic Separation: Slowly move the candles apart, symbolizing the gradual and respectful distance that will grow between the two individuals. Allow the candles to burn down safely.

Create a Healing Pouch: Place the photo or symbol and the paper with your intentions into the cloth bag, along with any herbs or stones that signify healing (such as lavender or amethyst).

Bury or Release: If possible, bury the pouch in the earth, symbolizing a return to peace and natural balance. Alternatively, you can place it in a flowing body of water, symbolizing the release of the relationship.

Reflect and Heal: Spend time reflecting on the relationship and focusing on healing. Trust that the universe will guide both parties towards growth and happiness.

Hoodoo Spells

Attracting Money Abundance Spell

Hoodoo spells for money focus not only on attracting money but doing so with purpose and ethical intention. This Hoodoo money spell focuses on what the money is needed for, rather than merely acquiring wealth, so it aligns with the core principles of hoodoo and ensures a balanced and respectful approach.


  • One green candle
  • Cinnamon oil or patchouli oil
  • A small piece of citrine or a gold coin
  • Bay leaves
  • A pen with green ink
  • A small cloth bag or pouch


Prepare Your Space: Cleanse your area, creating a space filled with focus and intention.

Anoint the Candle: Dress the green candle with the cinnamon or patchouli oil, infusing it with your intention to attract prosperity.

Write Your Intentions: On the bay leaves, write your specific intentions for financial abundance. Be clear about what you need and why you need it.

Light the Candle: Place the citrine or gold coin beside the candle and light it, visualizing the growth and flow of money into your life.

Read Your Intentions: Hold the bay leaves and read your intentions aloud, letting the universe know what you need and are ready to receive.

Create an Abundance Pouch: Place the citrine or gold coin and the bay leaves in the cloth bag or pouch. Hold it in your hands, concentrating on your desire for abundance.

Seal Your Intentions: Allow the candle to burn down completely (ensure fire safety) or extinguish it, visualizing your intentions being sealed.

Keep the Abundance Pouch: Carry the pouch with you, place it in your wallet, or keep it in a safe place where you manage your finances.

Work and Trust: Engage in opportunities and work toward your financial goals, trusting that the universe will guide you to prosperity.

Give Thanks: Once you begin to notice an increase in abundance, take a moment to express gratitude. Acknowledging the good in your life reinforces positive energy.

Attracting Good Luck Spell

This Hoodoo spell is meant to attract good luck in alignment with the greater good and natural order.


  • One orange or yellow candle
  • Clove or sunflower oil
  • A small piece of aventurine or jade (stones known for luck)
  • A pinch of basil or chamomile
  • A piece of parchment or paper
  • A pen


Prepare Your Space: Cleanse your area with sage or any other cleansing method to create a peaceful and focused environment.

Anoint the Candle: Dress the orange or yellow candle with clove or sunflower oil, channeling your intention to attract good luck.

Write Your Intentions: On the parchment or paper, write down what areas of your life you wish to attract good luck to. Be specific and positive in your wording.

Light the Candle: As you light the candle, visualize the warm, golden light filling your life with good fortune and positive energy.

Read Your Intentions: Read the words you wrote aloud, focusing on the feelings of joy and success that good luck will bring to those areas of your life.

Create a Luck Charm: Place the aventurine or jade stone, along with the basil or chamomile, in a small cloth pouch or locket. These ingredients are often associated with luck in various traditions.

Seal Your Intentions: Allow the candle to burn down completely (always observing fire safety) or extinguish it if you need to leave it unattended, visualizing your intentions being sealed.

Carry the Luck Charm: Keep the pouch or locket with you, especially when you are engaged in activities related to the areas you wish to attract good luck.

Stay Positive and Aware: Good luck often comes to those who recognize and seize opportunities. Stay positive and keep your eyes open for the lucky breaks coming your way.

Express Gratitude: When good luck does find you, take a moment to acknowledge it and express gratitude. A thankful heart often attracts even more blessings.

Get spell casting help today

Whether it be manifesting love, money, or friendship, spell casting is one of the most effective ways to bring about life change. All it takes is one spell to turn everything around! Let one our talented psychics cast the spell that will make your dreams reality.  Get spell casting help today > >

Hoodoo Protection Spell

The power of this Hoodoo protection spell lies in your intention and belief. By connecting with the natural elements and focusing your mind on the purpose of the spell, you create a spiritual barrier that aligns with the compassionate and empowering roots of Hoodoo tradition.


  • One white or blue candle
  • Olive oil or an oil infused with protective herbs like rosemary or sage
  • A small piece of black tourmaline or obsidian
  • A piece of parchment or paper
  • A pen
  • Salt
  • A small cloth pouch


Prepare Your Space: Cleanse your area with salt or sage, ensuring a pure and protective environment.

Anoint the Candle: Dress the white or blue candle with the oil, focusing your intention on creating a protective shield around you or a loved one.

Write Your Intentions: On the parchment or paper, write down what you wish to protect against and why. Be clear and specific in your intentions.

Light the Candle: Light the candle, visualizing a warm, protective light surrounding you or the person you wish to protect.

Read Your Intentions: Read the words you wrote aloud, solidifying your request for protection in your mind and heart.

Create a Protection Charm: Place the black tourmaline or obsidian and the paper with your intentions into the cloth pouch. Hold it in your hands and visualize it absorbing any negative energy that may come your way.

Seal Your Intentions: Allow the candle to burn down completely (observing fire safety) or extinguish it, visualizing your protective shield being activated.

Carry the Protection Charm: Keep the pouch with you or give it to the person you wish to protect. It can be carried in a bag, pocket, or placed under a pillow.

Reinforce as Needed: Whenever you feel the need, hold the pouch and reaffirm your intentions, knowing that you are safe and protected.

Express Gratitude: Thank the universe or any higher powers you believe in for their protection and guidance.

Get a Love Spell Cast For You
Get a Luck & Good Fortune Spell Cast For You

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